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  • ORCID: 183541512
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Kurpayanidi Konstantin Ivanovich, higher education in economics, graduated from the full-time department of the Fergana Polytechnic Institute, majoring in Production Economics and Management. He studied at the postgraduate school (full-time department) Namangan Institute of Engineering and Economics at the Department of Economics, Management and Marketing. Doctor of philosophy in economics, Professor of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Academician of the International Academy of Theoretical and Applied Sciences (USA). Author of over four hundred scientific and methodological works, including 5 textbooks ("Economics of capital construction", "National Economy of Uzbekistan", "Economics of Tourism", "Fundamentals of Economic knowledge" 3 electronic textbooks ("National Economy of Uzbekistan", "Customs"), 19 monographs, including 12 published in the European Union, 4 in Indonesia. Author of 201 scientific articles in scientific periodicals, including 104 abroad, 22 in a foreign language. Of these, 54 are in publications recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 20 of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation, 3 of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine. Several scientific and methodological works are posted on the ZiyoNET information and educational network. Scientific research relates to the economics of industrial sectors, the development of small and private entrepreneurship, macroeconomics. He is the winner of the Program "Pedagogical grants – 2010". Laureate of the republican contest "The best teacher of a higher educational institution" in the field of economics. He defended his PhD thesis on the topic "Peculiarities of entrepreneurship development in the industrial sector of the economy (on the example of the Ferghana region)". In 2011, by the decision of the Higher Attestation Commission, he was approved in the academic title of associate professor of the Department of Economics. In 2003, he graduated from the courses "Tax&Law", "Agribusiness Planning" and "Managerial Accounting 1", organized by the US Agency for International Development USAID and the Association of Teachers of Business Disciplines of the Republic of Uzbekistan. In 2004, he successfully completed training at the Center for the Development of Market Skills (Tashkent) within the framework of the TACIS project, a program of the European Union to help accelerate the process of economic reforms in the CIS on the course "Training of judicial managers". In the same year, by the decision of the Attestation Commission of Judicial Managers of the Committee on Economic Insolvency of Enterprises under the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, he was awarded the qualification of "Judicial Manager". In 2013, he was retrained at the Regional Center for Retraining and Advanced Training of Teaching Staff at the Fergana State University, majoring in pedagogy. In 2018, he completed an internship under a grant from the El-Yurt Umidi Foundation at the Belgorod Technological University named after V.G.Shukhov (Russia). Within the framework of the implementation of the European Union TEMPUS project under the UnIvEnt project: "Strengthening the role of universities in the introduction of innovations in enterprises" 511337-TEMPUS-1-2010-1- DE-TEMPUS-JPHES participated as a performer. He is a member of the Editorial Boards of scientific journals of the Russian Federation: "New University", "Young Scientist", "Economics", "Bulletin of Science and Practice", "Economic Review". He is a member of the organizing committee of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual problems of Modern Humanities and Socio-Economic Sciences" (2013-2022), organized by the Volga Branch of the Academy of Military Sciences, the Military Academy of Logistics and the Volsky Military Institute of Material Support of the Russian Federation. He is a member of the editorial board of the Innovation Center for the Development of Education and Science of the Volga Federal District of the Russian Federation, which holds quarterly international scientific conferences on economics and management. His personal identification code: in the SCIENCE INDEX system, the SPIN code is 2321-7606; in ORCID - 0000-0001-8354-1512; Web of Science ResearcherID AAK-9788-2020. Currently has a Hirsch Index of 30. The citation index in the Google scholar system is 3055. The number of citations from publications on -3024. In 2009-2022, he has 201 publications included in the system of the Russian National Citation Index (RSCI), the weighted average impact factor of journals in which articles were published is 0.33 pp., the number of citations of the author's publications in the RSCI is 596, while. He is well-versed in various problems of his specialty, knows its specifics perfectly. Since January 2021, he has been an Academician of the International Academy of Theoretical and Applied Sciences (USA).

Total number of publications 1
Citations 2
Hirsch index 0