
Igamberdiyev H Z

  • Science ID:
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  • Phone number
  • IshxonaTDTU
  • Soha
  • Ko'rishlar soni765

Nashr etilgan maqolalar soni 2
Iqtiboslar 2
Hirsh indeksi 0


Maqolaning nomi Hammualliflar Asosiy til Ko'rishlar O'qishlar
Sustainable estimation of parameters and covariation of disturbance vectors in uncertain systems. CTCM Igamberdiyev H.Z.,
Mamirov U.F.
Ingliz 475 454
Sustainable algorithms for synthesis of local-optimal adaptive dynamic object management systems. CTCM Igamberdiyev H.Z.,
Sevinov J.U.,
Yusupbekov A.N.,
Zaripov O.O.
Ingliz 290 277