
Qosimov F O

  • Science ID:
  • Research ID:
  • ORCID:
  • Phone number
  • Ishxona4Departmentof Informatics, Automation and Management, Tashkent Chemical-Technological Institute, Uzbekistan
  • Soha
  • Ko'rishlar soni274

Nashr etilgan maqolalar soni 1
Iqtiboslar 2
Hirsh indeksi 0


Maqolaning nomi Hammualliflar Asosiy til Ko'rishlar O'qishlar
The intellectual system of automatic control at enrichment of technogenic waste in the fluidized layer CTCM Yunusov B.I.,
Artiqov A.A.,
Yunusov I.I.,
Qosimov F.O.
Ingliz 274 262