The article presents the species composition of
subterranean pest entomophages, their degree of occurrence
and systematic analysis of the occurring entomophages in the
agrobiocenosis. Studies were conducted in the conditions of
Samarkand and Tashkent region and found in the total number of
57 species of entomophages. Of these, 26 species belong to the order
Coleoptera, 24 species to the order Hymenoptera, and 7 species of the
order Diptera, which are predatory and parasitic entomophages.

  • Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system06-01-2020
  • Read count1012
  • Date of publication05-06-2019
  • Main LanguageO'zbek
  • Pages3-5

В статье приведены видовой состав энто-
мофагов подпочвенных вредителей, их степень встречаемо-
сти и систематический анализ встречающихся энтомофагов
в агробиоценозе. Исследования проводились в условиях Самар-
кандской и Ташкентской области и обнаружено в общем коли-
честве 57 видов энтомофагов. Из них 26 видов принадлежат
к отряду Coleoptera, 24 видов к отряду Hymenoptera и 7 видов
отряда Diptera которые являются хищными и паразитными


The article presents the species composition of
subterranean pest entomophages, their degree of occurrence
and systematic analysis of the occurring entomophages in the
agrobiocenosis. Studies were conducted in the conditions of
Samarkand and Tashkent region and found in the total number of
57 species of entomophages. Of these, 26 species belong to the order
Coleoptera, 24 species to the order Hymenoptera, and 7 species of the
order Diptera, which are predatory and parasitic entomophages.

Name of reference
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