The article considers the influencing technological factors of mining operations on the state of the quarry sides. In technological processes, the stability of the sides of rock and semi-rock rocks and the value of the angle of inclination of the sides is most affected by drilling and blasting operations. It is determined that effective technological schemes in the zone of residual deformations should be carried out taking into account the geological structure of the contour array. Changing the opening scheme is associated with the development system and mining mode. To ensure the safety of the sides of deep quarries, several variants of schemes, crevice formation in the contour zone and methods for controlling deformation processes are recommended.

  • Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system12-02-2021
  • Read count195
  • Date of publication25-10-2020
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages122-129

The article considers the influencing technological factors of mining operations on the state of the quarry sides. In technological processes, the stability of the sides of rock and semi-rock rocks and the value of the angle of inclination of the sides is most affected by drilling and blasting operations. It is determined that effective technological schemes in the zone of residual deformations should be carried out taking into account the geological structure of the contour array. Changing the opening scheme is associated with the development system and mining mode. To ensure the safety of the sides of deep quarries, several variants of schemes, crevice formation in the contour zone and methods for controlling deformation processes are recommended.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Mahmudov D.R.
2 Kadirov V.R.
3 Karimov S.V.
4 Hamraev Y.R. doktorant
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