• Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system01-08-2021
  • Read count361
  • Date of publication15-10-2020
  • Main LanguageO'zbek
  • Pages37-39

The article describes the results of the study of the inheritance of important selection traits of black and gray karakul
sheep breeds and the features of the correlation between them, their distinguishing aspects.

Name of reference
1 1. Лакин Г.Ф. Биометрия. Изд. «Высшая шко- ла», Москва, 1968, с. 224-228.
2 2. Плохинский Н.А. Наследуемость. Москва. «Колос», 1964, 193 с.
3 3. Юсупов С.Ю., Газиев А., Бобоқулов Н.А., Юл- дашов Н., Фазилов У.Т., Ҳакимов Ў.Н. ва бошқалар. Коракўлчиликда наслчилик ишларини юритиш ва қўзиларни баҳолаш (бонитировка қилиш) бўйича қўлланма. Тошкент., 2015. 31 б.