• Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system03-09-2021
  • Read count387
  • Date of publication09-07-2021
  • Main LanguageO'zbek
  • Pages4-6

Correlative relation of economically valuable traits between varieties and hybrids of fine staple cotton has been studied in
the experiment. Weak negative correlation between weight of cotton bolls and fiber length was noted independently out of
hybrid combination and progenies. An average negative correlation was found between fiber output and weight of 1000
seeds. Positive strong correlation was observed between fiber output and fiber index independently of crossing combination,
branching type and hybrid progeny.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Rasulov I.. қ.х.ф.ф.д. ТошДАУ
2 Aberkulov M.. б.ф.н. ТошДАУ
3 Jumashev M.. б.ф.н. ТошДАУ
4 Mirzayev A.. магистрант ТошДАУ
Name of reference
1 1. Симонгулян Н.Г. Генетика, селекция и семеноводство хлопчатника. – Ташкент: Мехнат, 1980, - С. 65-67.
2 2. Аллашов Б.Д., Ибрагимов П.Ш., Ибрагимов Ш., Шадраимов Е. Қўш дурагайлаш услубида олинган Т-550 тизмасида кўсак вазни ва бошқа белгилар ўртасидаги коррелятив боғлиқларни ўрганиш // Материалы научно-практической конференции «Современное состояние селекции и семеноводства хлопчатника, проблемы и пути их решения». - Ташкент, 2007. - С. 91-93.