Агглютинатив тиллар, хусусан, ўзбек тилида тақлидлар кенг кўламли бўлса, флектив тиллар, жумладан, инглиз тилида мустақил туркум сифатида тақлидлар деярли йўқ ҳисоби. Бу тилда товуш ёки образга тақлид от, сифат ёки феъллар билан берилади. Аммо бундай сўзларнинг аслида генетик жиҳатдан тақлиддан ўсиб чиққанлиги сезилиб туради. Инглиз тилида бевосита ва билвосита ономатопеялар ажратилади. Уларнинг ўз ва кўчма маъноларда қўлланиши учраб туради. Таснифларида ноизчилликлар учраб туради.


  • Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system10-12-2019
  • Read count457
  • Date of publication17-09-2019
  • Main LanguageO'zbek
  • Pages101-107

Агглютинатив тиллар, хусусан, ўзбек тилида тақлидлар кенг кўламли бўлса, флектив тиллар, жумладан, инглиз тилида мустақил туркум сифатида тақлидлар деярли йўқ ҳисоби. Бу тилда товуш ёки образга тақлид от, сифат ёки феъллар билан берилади. Аммо бундай сўзларнинг аслида генетик жиҳатдан тақлиддан ўсиб чиққанлиги сезилиб туради. Инглиз тилида бевосита ва билвосита ономатопеялар ажратилади. Уларнинг ўз ва кўчма маъноларда қўлланиши учраб туради. Таснифларида ноизчилликлар учраб туради.



Агглютинативные языке в узбекском языке если подражание широко охвателвающие флективные языки в частности в английском  языке подражания как отделъная частъ речи не существуют. В этом языке подражание звука или образа приводится вместе с прилагателъным или  глаголам. Но ощущается что ети слова генетически произошли от подражаний. В английском языке различаются посредственные ономатопея и непосредственные. Встречается их употребление в прямом и переносном значении. Встречается ощибку в толковании агглютинативных языков.



In agglutinative languages, particularly in the Uzbek language, onomatopoeic words are of wide scale character, whereas in English they are very few as an independent part of speech. Sound imitation or imitation to an image is expressed by nouns, adjectives or verbs in this language. Actually one that such words are of onomatopoeic origin genetically. Direct and indirect onomatopoes are diffentiated in English. They are used with their own and transitory meanings.

Modern English linguistics analyses onomatopoeic words, dividing them into two groups, sound imitating and state imitating lexemes.

Contrastive study of onomatopoeic words and categorization give a chance to analyse realization of linguistic features of such units in speech.

Likewise, contrastive study of onomatopoeic words is very important in keeping colourfulness (expressiveness) of the text of the source language, objectivity in the translation of fiction. Sound and image imitation expressions are differentiated in the national linguistic sight (view) of the world.

Descriptive meaning is expressed by different means in English literary texts. We’d like to point out the fact that we are far from the views that onomatopoeic units are not characteristic to English, being a representative of analytic languages.

Our reasons show that in some cases descriptive words may have the meaning and essence of imitative words. For example: The meaning of imitation can be expressed in the semantics of verbs which possess verb forms.

It’s desirable to divide onomatopoeic words into four main groups. The first group is made up of words expressing imitation to the sounds of animals. The second group presents imitations belong onomatops expressing different noises occurring, in human speech and the fourth being subject of noises. In conclusion  we can say that sound and image (state) expression in English can be realized by means of descriptive words belonging to noun or verb word classes.

Although some descriptive words are of imitative origin, they are expressed in the form of verbs because of the analytic feature of the English language. But imitation meaning is distinctly felt in their semantics.

In our opinion the study of the origin of imitative-descriptive words gives the opportunity to see differences between old and present states of onomatopoeic words.

Imitative-descriptive words make up a great number in Uzbek while onomatops functioning as the predicates independently occur very rarely. But we can see that imitatations were widely used in the function of the predicate in old monuments.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Aliboyeva N.M. o'qituvchi Qo'qon DPI
Name of reference
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