In the present work statement of a problem and realization of received results and decisions were caused proceeding from practice of designing and construction of responsible objects, as tunnel constructions. Received results represent the big economic value: the further development of a scientific direction in the field of tunnelling by creation and improvement of designs and introduction in practice of designing and construction of results of the lead researches. Thus, the kind of design and its constructive elements, the form and the geometrical sizes of a design, presence of lateral tunnels, top and return arch of an average tunnel and distance between columns is considered. Proceeding from principles designing and constructions of tunnels are created new constructive decisions of station of underground of the open way of works and transported a tunnel of a circular outline of the closed way of works with antiseismic joint

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  • DOI
  • Дата создание в систему UzSCI 20-01-2025
  • Количество прочтений 70
  • Дата публикации 28-12-2024
  • Язык статьиIngliz
  • Страницы25-28

In the present work statement of a problem and realization of received results and decisions were caused proceeding from practice of designing and construction of responsible objects, as tunnel constructions. Received results represent the big economic value: the further development of a scientific direction in the field of tunnelling by creation and improvement of designs and introduction in practice of designing and construction of results of the lead researches. Thus, the kind of design and its constructive elements, the form and the geometrical sizes of a design, presence of lateral tunnels, top and return arch of an average tunnel and distance between columns is considered. Proceeding from principles designing and constructions of tunnels are created new constructive decisions of station of underground of the open way of works and transported a tunnel of a circular outline of the closed way of works with antiseismic joint

Имя автора Должность Наименование организации
1 Miralimov M.K. dotsent Тashkent State Transport University
2 Karshiboev A.I. senior lecturer Тashkent State Transport University
Название ссылки
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