Мақолада совет ҳокимияти йилларида Ўзбекистондаги моддий-маданий ёдгорликларнинг аҳволи ҳамда уларнинг муҳофазага олиниши жараёнлари бирламчи манбалар ва тарихий адабиётлар ёрдамида таҳлил қилинган. Шу билан бирга, тарихий ёдгорликларни асраб-авайлаш борасида қабул қилинган декретлар, қарорларга биноан ашёвий манбалар ҳамда хазиналарнинг бошқа давлатларга ташиб кетилишига чек қўйилиши, музейлар фаолияти кенгайиши натижасида экспонатлар сонининг йилдан йилга ортиб бориши хронологик нуқтаи назардан тадқиқ этилган.

  • Internet havola
  • DOI
  • UzSCI tizimida yaratilgan sana10-12-2019
  • O'qishlar soni507
  • Nashr sanasi17-09-2019
  • Asosiy tilO'zbek
  • Sahifalar34-42

Мақолада совет ҳокимияти йилларида Ўзбекистондаги моддий-маданий ёдгорликларнинг аҳволи ҳамда уларнинг муҳофазага олиниши жараёнлари бирламчи манбалар ва тарихий адабиётлар ёрдамида таҳлил қилинган. Шу билан бирга, тарихий ёдгорликларни асраб-авайлаш борасида қабул қилинган декретлар, қарорларга биноан ашёвий манбалар ҳамда хазиналарнинг бошқа давлатларга ташиб кетилишига чек қўйилиши, музейлар фаолияти кенгайиши натижасида экспонатлар сонининг йилдан йилга ортиб бориши хронологик нуқтаи назардан тадқиқ этилган.


В статье на основе архивных материалов и исторической литературы рассматривается состояние материально-культурных памятников Узбекистана в годы советской власти, а также процессы взятия их под государственную охрану. Кроме того, было хронологически изучено увеличение количества экспонатов, что является прямым следствием предотвращения утечки за рубеж в соответствии с указами и постановлениями о сохранении исторических памятников и расширением деятельности музеев.


All residents know that, spiritual culture and cultural memorials, their preservation, protection, and taking care of them occupy an important position in the life of the society. It should be pointed out that during the former Union the architecture and art of Uzbekistan was under the influence of alien ideas and they were formed through the frame which contradicted Uzbek national traditions. That period  was responsible for the prohibition of great cultural heritage, spiritual wealth and customs that had been shaping over many centuries in order to break the national pride of the nation.

From the first years of the soviet government, there began a strict fight against religion, religious ideology and the pious men. The relationship between soviet government and the church was pointed out in the decree of RSFSR NKS of January 23 1918 «On separation the church from the government and the school from the church». The decree consisted of 13 articles that stated to separate the government from the church. After the announcement of the decree, the executive committee of Tashkent soviet made a suggestion to the head inspector of the educational institutions of Turkistan to sign a decree on “to stop teaching any kind of subject related to religion or religious ideology”. The school was separated from the church according to the decree. It was also prohibited to conduct religious education even at the private educational institutions.

The committee of the preservation of antiquity, art and nature memorials of Turkistan, “Turkkomstaris” founded in 1920, started its initial task mainly focusing on architectural monuments and cultural memorials.

The process of marking state, national-regional borders took place in Central Asia in 1925, and then the committee “Turkkomstaris” was renamed as “Sredazkomstaris”. The main objective of the committee was to protect historical and cultural memorials where constructive maintenance was going on.

“Uzkomstaris” organized an archeological expedition under the leadership of B.N.Zasipkin to Khorazm in 1937. The team of archeologist-scientists consisted of Ya.G.Gulomov, R.N.Nabiyev, T.S.Stramtsova, and the postgraduate students of Moscow Archeology Institute – Sh.S.Ratiya and Yu.A.Yegorov. The main task of the expedition was to study memorials and traditional houses from archeological point of view, and to evaluate the quality of maintenance and reconstruction. The processes of maintenance and restoration were revived; experienced masters were enlisted to the work. During in the period from 1930 to 1940 a group of ethnography, archeology and art scientists namely L.Vororin, B.Zasipkin, L.Rempel, B.Baklanov, V.Voronina, G.Gaganov and others made researches on the history of monuments and architecture of the Central Asia. Wide scale study of architectural memorials started in the 1950s. The study of archeological memorials of Tuprokkal’a, Varakhsha, Afrasiab, Kuva, Kholchayon, Dalvarzintepa discovered the examples of the art of ancient architecture and sculpture.

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