This article gives us information about ethnic composition of people inhabiting the Khorezm oasis at the end of XIX century and beginning of XX century, nomadic population, their regional location and changes in the ethnic 218 composition of the population after the occupation of Central Asia by the Russian Empire

  • Read count 224
  • Date of publication 01-01-2019
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages217

: Ushbu maqola XIX asr oxiri va XX asr boshlarida Xorazm vohasida istiqomat qiluvchi odamlarning etnik tarkibi, ko'chmanchi aholi, ularning mintaqaviy joylashuvi va Markaziy Osiyoning Rossiya imperiyasi tomonidan bosib olinishi natijasida aholining etnik tarkibi o'zgarishi haqida ma'lumotlar beriladi.


: В данной статье представлена информация об этническом составе людей, населяющих Хорезмский оазис в конце XIX и начале XXвека, о кочевом населении, их региональном расположении и изменениях в этническом составе населения после оккупации Центральной Азии Российская империя


This article gives us information about ethnic composition of people inhabiting the Khorezm oasis at the end of XIX century and beginning of XX century, nomadic population, their regional location and changes in the ethnic 218 composition of the population after the occupation of Central Asia by the Russian Empire

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Sheripov U. . Docent, Candidate of historicalsciences, Lecturer, History faculty, Urgench State University UrDU
Name of reference
1 Docent, Candidate of historicalsciences, Lecturer, History faculty, Urgench State University
2 Qo‘shjonov O., Polvonov N. Socio-political processes and movements in Khorezm. Tashkent: ―Abu matbuot konsalt‖, 2007, pages 27-120.
3 Khiva or geographical - statistical description of the Khiva khanate. Moscow, 1840, p.41 (The territory of Khiva khanate was showen 14 000 kv. Mil- P.N.) 1 miles - 7, 46760 km. (TSB. 16th volume, p. 267); Pogorelsky I.V. Essays on the economic and political history of the Khiva khanate of the late XIX and early XX centuries. (1873–1917). Leningrad: University of Leningrad, 1968 (The author showed that the territory of Khiva khanate was 54690 kv, but population were showed 519,437 - PN); G. Nepesov. Victory of the Soviet system in northern Turkmenistan (1917–1936). Ashgabat, 1950, p.15 (the author reported that the population of Khivakhanate was from 519000 to 600000 ); Uzbekistan SSR History. 1 volume, 2-book. Toshkent: Science, 57, 152-153-pages (The population of Khiva khanate was about 500000- PN); Tukhtametov T.G. Russia and Khiva at the end of XIX beginning of XX century. Moscow: Science, 1969, p. 7 (The researcher showed that the population of Khiva khanate was about 500-700000-PN.) The victory of Soviet power in Central Asia and Kazakhstan. Tashkent, 1967, p. 635 (It is reported that the population of Khiva khanate was 600–900000 - P.N.); The history of the 223 Bukhara and Khorezm people's Soviet republics. Moscow: Science, 1971, p.14 (It is reported that the population of Khiva khanate was 600–900000 –P.N.); Kalandarov N. Education and activities of the Khorezm Communist Party. Tashkent: Uzbekistan, 1975, p.10. (The author showed that the population was about 850000- PN.N.) and so on
4 . Girshfeld V., Galkin M.N. Military statistical description of the Khiva oasis. Part II. Tashkent, 1903. P. 111-114. ( These authors have estimated that the population of Khorazm was 519439 - PN).
5 . Lobachevsky V. Khiva district. Tashkent, 1912, p.66 ( he has estimated that the population of Khorazm was 646044 - P.N.).
6 Central Asian economic region. Collection.Tashkent, 1922.( in the research reported that the population of Khorazm was 640844 - PN). Territory and population of Bukhara and Khorezm. Tashkent, 1926, 63 p. (in this book the population was 460905 ,and also territory was 62237.2 sq. Km - PN
7 Uzbekistan Republic Central State Archives (ЎRR MDA). 69-fund, 1-list, 7- work, 4-page ( the territory of Khiva khanate was 54000 sq.- PN); UZRR MDA. I125 Foundation, 1-list, 528-work, 26-page. (the territory of Khiva khanate was 11670000 , 1 Tanob -0.40 hectare - PN.N); UZRR MDA. 69-fund, 1-list, 73-work, 5-page (the population of Khiva was 82600- PN); UZRR MDA. R-1-fund, 1-list, 8- work, 97-page (the population of Khiva was 640064 UZRR MDA. I-125 fund, 1- list, 526, 528, 528a, 529-537 - PN)
8 UZRR NSA. I-125 Foundation, 1-list, 526,528,528a,529-537-work;
9 UZRR NSA. I-125 Foundation, 1-list, 528-work; 599-work, 1-2- pages; The territory and population of Bukhara and Khorezm. Kn.2. Tashkent, 1926, p.30.
10 . UZR NSA. I-125 Fund, 1-list, 526-537-works;
11 . Table made by the author UZR NSA on the basis of I-125 Foundation materials
12 . XRA Fund 590, List 1, work 48,p 5