The governmental authority is the most important attribute of the state, vested with the power of state management. In the modern society, oriented on democracy, the state power based on the principles of democracy under the principle of peoples' sovereignty. It's source is not a divine will and not the charismatic features of the governor, but the peoples' sovereignty. It's will expressed in the state constitution, determines the character of state power and its implementation forms. In this article, the author analyzes the concept, features and core of governmental authority.

  • Read count 256
  • Date of publication 01-01-2019
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages308-315

Давлат ҳокимияти давлат бошқарувининг ваколатлари билан белгиланган давлатнинг энг муҳим таркибий қисми ҳисобланади. Замонавий демократик жамиятда давлат ҳокимияти халқнинг суверенитети тамойилига мувофиқ демократия тамойилларига асосланади. Унинг манбаи амалдорларнинг бошқарувчилик хусусиятлари ѐки илоҳий иродага эмас, балки халқнинг суверенитетидир. Мамлакат конститутсиясида ифодаланган халқ иродаси давлат ҳокимиятининг характерини ва уни амалга ошириш шаклини белгилайди. Ушбу мақолада давлат ҳокимияти тушунчаси, моҳияти ва мазмуни илмий жиҳатдан тадқиқ этилади.


Государственная власть - это важнейший атрибут государства, наделенный властью государственного управления. В современном демократически ориентированном обществе государственная власть основана на принципе демократии по принципу суверенитета народа. Его источник - не божественная воля и не харизматические черты правителя, а суверенитет народа; Его воля, выраженная в конституции страны, определяет характер государственной власти и формы ее реализации. В этой статье автор анализирует понятие, особенности и содержание государственной власти.


The governmental authority is the most important attribute of the state, vested with the power of state management. In the modern society, oriented on democracy, the state power based on the principles of democracy under the principle of peoples' sovereignty. It's source is not a divine will and not the charismatic features of the governor, but the peoples' sovereignty. It's will expressed in the state constitution, determines the character of state power and its implementation forms. In this article, the author analyzes the concept, features and core of governmental authority.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Raximova . . PhD student, Uzbekistan State University of World Languages, Uzbekistan State University of World Languages
Name of reference
1 Saidov A.Kh. Theory of State and Law: a textbook for universities in the specialty ―Jurisprudence‖. Saidov A.Kh. - T.: 2000.- 504 p.
2 Gomerov I.N. State and state authority: textbook / I.N. Gomerov. - M.: YUKEA, 2002.- 830 p
3 Matuzov N.I. Theory of State and Law: a textbook for universities / N.I. Matuzov, A.V. Malko. - M .: Yurist, 2002.- 511p