In the article it was described that in the conditions of formation market relations the informal sector has become an independent segment of the labor market, the influence of socio-demographic factors on it, as well as the functioning mechanism for market of the provision of temporary one-time work in the informal labor market and forms and types of it. When describing the functioning mechanism of the market of the provision of temporary one-time work, it was used the method of sociological research, which was conducted by the author, and from the point of view of economy theory, it was clarified that the new legality of that market. 

  • Read count 329
  • Date of publication 01-01-2019
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages427

мақолада бозор муносабатлари шаклланаѐтган шароитда норасмий сектор меҳнат бозорининг мустақил сегментига айланганлиги, унга таъсир этувчи ижтимоий-демографик омиллар, норасмий меҳнат бозорида амал қилувчи вақтинчалик бир марталик ишлар билан таъминлашбозорининг амал қилиш механизми, унинг шакл ва турлари очиб берилган. Вақтинчалик бир марталик ишлар билан таъминлаш бозорининг амал қилиш механизмини ѐритишда муаллиф томонидан ўтказилган социологик тадқиқот усулидан фойдаланилган ва иқтисодиѐт назарияси фани нуқтаи назаридан мазкур бозорда амал қилувчи янги қонуниятлар аниқланган.


В статье было описано, что в условиях формирования рыночных отношений неформальный сектор стал самостоятельным сегментом рынка труда, влияние социально-демографических факторов на него, а также функционирования механизма рынка обеспечения временной разовой работой на неформальном рынке труда и его формы и виды. При описании функционирования механизма рынка обеспечения временной разовой работой было использовано методом социологического исследования, которое проведено автором, и с точки зрения экономической теории определены новые закономерности, функционирующие данном рынке.


In the article it was described that in the conditions of formation market relations the informal sector has become an independent segment of the labor market, the influence of socio-demographic factors on it, as well as the functioning mechanism for market of the provision of temporary one-time work in the informal labor market and forms and types of it. When describing the functioning mechanism of the market of the provision of temporary one-time work, it was used the method of sociological research, which was conducted by the author, and from the point of view of economy theory, it was clarified that the new legality of that market. 

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Khudayberdiev Z.R. PhD in economics, docent, Head of Namangan regional department of Independent Institute for monitoring the formation of civil society, NavSPI
Name of reference
1 Mirziyoev Sh. M. A comprehensively developed generation is the basis of a great future, the creative work of the people is the basis of a prosperous life, friendship and cooperation are the guarantee of prosperity. //Statement of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan at the solemn ceremony dedicated to the 26th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan. –Tashkent, December 8, 2018. //https://.president.uz.
2 Mirziyoev Sh. M. Our people's consent is the highest mark to our work. – Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 2018. 508 p
3 Khudayberdiev Z. R. Labour market in the conditions of a transitional economy: the theory and practice. –Tashkent, Finance, 2008. 191 p.
4 Statistical data of the Ministry of Employment and Labor Relations of the Republic of Uzbekistan