Projecting the electronic map of oil-gas industry is primarily based on digital data. These digital data display the information about oil wells and the fields where geologic zones are located. Practices show that when creating the maps of oil-gas industry processing the information helps to describe most features of the map. In other words, the data can be regularly updated by statistic and tabular reports.

  • Read count 156
  • Date of publication 01-01-2018
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages118

: Neft-gaz sanoatining elektron shakllari xaritalarini tuzishda, birinchi navbatda, raqamli ma'lumotlarni ishlatishadi. Ushbu raqamli ma'lumotlar neft terilari va geologik maydonlarning joylashuvi haqida ma'lumot beradi. Neft va gaz sanoati ma'lumotlarini birlashtirgan xaritani yaratishda ushbu xaritaning barcha afzalliklarini ko'rsatishga yordam beradi. Bunday holatda, ushbu ma'lumot turli xil statistik va jadval ma'lumotlarini o'z ichiga oladi.


: При составлении карты электронного вида нефти-газовой промышленности в первую очередь пользуютсяцифровыми данными. Эти цифровый данные содержат информацию о нефтенныхскваженах и расположении геологической площади. При созданим карты нефте-газовой промышленности объедилениесведейий помогает показать все преимущества этой карты. При этом в это сведение входит различные статистические и табличные сведение.


Projecting the electronic map of oil-gas industry is primarily based on digital data. These digital data display the information about oil wells and the fields where geologic zones are located. Practices show that when creating the maps of oil-gas industry processing the information helps to describe most features of the map. In other words, the data can be regularly updated by statistic and tabular reports.

Name of reference
1 1. Murky A.A. and others. Designing systems signs thematic maps. Moscow, 2010
2 2. Tikunov V.S. Modeling in socio-economic cartography. M., 2007
3 3. Evteev, OA, Vinogradova, NS, Kotlova, ZF Collection of tasks for practical classes in the course "Compilation and editing of socio-economic maps." -M .: Publishing House. Moscow State University, 2015
4 4. Salishchev K.A. Design and Mapping. –M., 2012