The problem of social solidarity, studying the social-economical position, compassion of care and gayety of society‘s life are studied in this article, and the investigations of foreign scientists on the themes of freedom of person and solidarity as well.
Ushbu maqolada ijtimoiy birdamlik muammolari, ijtimoiyiqtisodiy holatni o'rganish, xorijlik olimlarning inson erkinligi va hamjihatligi mavzularidagi tadqiqotlari o'rganiladi
В статье рассматриваются проблемы социальной солидарности, изучения социально-экономического положения, сострадания к заботе и веселости жизни общества, а также исследования зарубежных ученых по темам свободы личности и солидарности.
The problem of social solidarity, studying the social-economical position, compassion of care and gayety of society‘s life are studied in this article, and the investigations of foreign scientists on the themes of freedom of person and solidarity as well.
№ | Author name | position | Name of organisation |
1 | Tagieva G.. | PhD student, Department of social sciences | Samarkand State University |
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