The article deals with the comparison of sentences and types of sentences in two different system languages, namely English and Uzbek. As the aim is to investigate thoroughly and make comparisons, sentence is defined firstly, and then types of sentences according to the aim of the interlocutor and grammatical structure are compared within the examples of English and Uzbek languages.

  • Read count 950
  • Date of publication 03-06-2019
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages212-219

The article deals with the comparison of sentences and types of sentences in two different system languages, namely English and Uzbek. As the aim is to investigate thoroughly and make comparisons, sentence is defined firstly, and then types of sentences according to the aim of the interlocutor and grammatical structure are compared within the examples of English and Uzbek languages.


Ushbu maqola har xil tizimli tillar, ya'ni ingliz va o'zbek tilida gap va uning turlarini taqqoslashga bag'ishlangan. Maqola maqsadi chuqur o'rganish va taqqoslash bo'lganidek, avvalo gap yoritiladi, so'ngra gapning ifoda-maqsadiga va strukturasiga ko'ra turlari ingliz va o'zbek tillarda misollar bilan solishtiriladi.


Статья посвящена сравнению предложений и типов предложений в двух разных системных языках: английском и узбекском. Так как цель состоит в том, чтобы тщательно исследовать и проводить сравнения, сначала мы определяем предложение, а затем сравниваем типы предложений в соответствие с целью собеседника и грамматической структурой в примерах английского и узбекского языков.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Kasimova M.M. Lecturer, The Faculty of Economy and Management, Department of Foreign Languages, Tashkent University of Information Technology named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi, TATU
Name of reference
1 Ivanova I., Burlakova V., Pocheptsov G., Theoretical Grammar of modern English language, Moscow-1981
2 Ilyish B. The structure of Modern English, Moscow-1965
3 Kaushanskaya V. A grammar of English language, 1971
4 Iriskulov A.T. Theoretical Grammar of English, Tashkent-2006