The article reveals the content of adjectives. The exploitation of epithetic devices in stories that are taken from Ray Bradbury‘s Martian Chronicles will be analyzed. In addition, the meaning of the stories, their descriptive structure will be highlighted. Some examples are given to prove the author‘s ideas.
Maqolada sifatlovchilarning mazmuni ochib beriladi. Rey Bredberining Mars solnomasi asaridan olingan hikoyalarda epitetlarning foydalanilishi tahlil qilinadi. Shuningdek, hikoyalar mazmuni, ularning tasviriy tuzilishiga e`tibor qaratiladi. Muallif fikrini dalillash uchun bir qancha misollar keltirildi.
Статья раскрывает содержание определение. Будет проанализирована эксплуатация эпентетических устройств в рассказах, взятых из Марсианской хроники Рэя Брэдбери.Кроме того, будет подчеркнут смысл историй, их описательная структура. Приведены некоторые примеры, подтверждающие идеи автора
The article reveals the content of adjectives. The exploitation of epithetic devices in stories that are taken from Ray Bradbury‘s Martian Chronicles will be analyzed. In addition, the meaning of the stories, their descriptive structure will be highlighted. Some examples are given to prove the author‘s ideas.
№ | Author name | position | Name of organisation |
1 | Nurullayev N.U. | Master student, English language and literature department, Urgench State University, | UrDU |
№ | Name of reference |
1 | Orlando Shakespeare 17th Season |
2 | Rachel Buttner. "Alumni Theatre Company Returns to the Stage". FordhamUniversity. Retrieved 2018-06-20. The company‘s first show, a musical adaptation of the Ray Bradbury‘s 1950s science fiction novel The Martian Chronicles, … |
3 | "Performances". The Cornelia Street Café. |
4 | "Martian Chronicles". Theatre C. |