In this research carried out the retrospective analysis of the reproduction process, the efficiency of use and the deprodution of the fixed assets of the joint-stock company Uzbekistan railways. It‘s also provides suggestions for intensifying this process

  • Read count 155
  • Date of publication 03-06-2019
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages479-492

Mazkur maqolada ―O‘zbekiston temir yo‘llari‖ aktsiyadorlik jamiyatida asosiy kapitalning ahvoli, samarali ishlatilishi va qayta tiklanishining retrospektiv tahlili amalga oshirilgan hamda jarayonni jadallashtirish bo‘yicha takliflar berilgan.


В настоящем исследовании проводится ретроспективный анализ воспроизводственного процесса, эффективность использования и степень восстановления основного капитала АО «Узбекские железные дороги», а также даются предложения по интенсификации данного процесса.


In this research carried out the retrospective analysis of the reproduction process, the efficiency of use and the deprodution of the fixed assets of the joint-stock company Uzbekistan railways. It‘s also provides suggestions for intensifying this process

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Gulamov .A. Tashkent Institute of Railways Engineers
Name of reference
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