This article presents some results of experimental studies of the thermophysical characteristics of melon pulp. The thermophysical characteristics of the pulp of melons of different varieties in the temperature range from 20 º to 70 ºС are determined. It has been established that thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity increases with increasing temperature almost linearly. Empirical expressions for the coefficients of thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity are obtained. These data will be useful in the thermal calculation of drying installations in the production of dried melon.

  • Read count 313
  • Date of publication 01-01-2019
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages75-82

Ushbu maqolada qovunlarni issiqlik-fizik hossalarini aniqlash bo‗yicha tajriba sinovlarning ba‘zi natijalari kеltirilgan. 200C dan 700C gacha bo‗lgan harorat diapazonidagi turli navli qovunlar etining issiqlik-fizik hossalari aniqlangan. Aniqlanishicha, issiqlik o‗tkazuvchanlik va harorat o‗tkazuvchanlik harorat ortib borishi mobaynida dеyarli chiziqli qonuniyatlar asosida o‗zgaradi. Issiqlik o‗tkazuvchanlik va harorat o‗tkazuvchanlik koeffitsiеntlari uchun empirik (tajribaga asoslangan) ifodalar kеltirilgan. Ushbu ma‘lumotlar qovun qoqisini ishlab chiqarishda quritish uskunalarini issiqlik-tеxnik hisobini bajarishda foydali bo‗ladi.


В данной статье приведены некоторые результаты экспериментальныхисследованийтеплофизических характеристик мякоти дыни. Определены теплофизические характеристики мякоти дынь разных сортов в диапазоне температур от 20º до 70 ºС. Установлено что теплопроводность и температуропроводность увеличивается с ростом температуры почти по линейным законам. Получены эмпирические выражения для коэффициентов теплопроводности и температуропроводности. Эти данные будут полезны при теплотехническом расчете сушильных установок при производстве вяленой дыни.


This article presents some results of experimental studies of the thermophysical characteristics of melon pulp. The thermophysical characteristics of the pulp of melons of different varieties in the temperature range from 20 º to 70 ºС are determined. It has been established that thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity increases with increasing temperature almost linearly. Empirical expressions for the coefficients of thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity are obtained. These data will be useful in the thermal calculation of drying installations in the production of dried melon.

Name of reference
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