The article presents theoretically-based proposals and recommendations on the innovative development of the agrarian sector in the ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF MODERN SCIENCE, EDUCATION AND TRAINING JULY, 2019-II ISSN 2181-9750 152 context of the cluster system in the Republic of Uzbekistan and the rational use of government-led measures in its widespread implementation.

  • Read count 251
  • Date of publication 01-01-2019
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages151

: Maqolada agrar sohani innovatsion rivojlantirishda klaster tizimini qo`llashning O`zbekiston sharoitida o`ziga xos jihatlari yoritilgan hamda, uni keng joriy qilishda hukumat tomonidan yaratilayotgan chora-tadbirlardan oqilona foydalanish borasida nazariy jihatdan asoslangan ilmiy taklif va amaliy tavsiyalar berilgan.


В статье представлены теоретически обоснованные предложения и рекомендации по инновационному развитию аграрного сектора в контексте кластерной системы в Узбекистане и рациональному использованию мер государственного управления при ее широком внедрении.


The article presents theoretically-based proposals and recommendations on the innovative development of the agrarian sector in the ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF MODERN SCIENCE, EDUCATION AND TRAINING JULY, 2019-II ISSN 2181-9750 152 context of the cluster system in the Republic of Uzbekistan and the rational use of government-led measures in its widespread implementation.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Matyoqubova .O. Senior lecturer of Tourism and Economy facult UrDU
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