The article examines the semantic meaning of the hyponymy in English phrasemes comparing with Uzbek ones in graduonymic levels. With the help of various examples, the advantages and various methods of using phrases are explained.

  • Read count 269
  • Date of publication 03-06-2019
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages617

Ushbu maqola ingliz tili frazemalarida giponimiyani o‘zbek tilidagi muqobillari bilan taqqoslab, graduonimik darajalarining semantik ma‘nosini ifodalaydi. Turli xil misollar yordamida favqulodda iboralarni ishlatishning afzalliklari va usullari tushuntiriladi


Статья посвящена преимуществам использования английский гипонимических фразем при переводе на узбекский язык. С помощью различных примеров объясняются преимущества и различные методы использования фразем


The article examines the semantic meaning of the hyponymy in English phrasemes comparing with Uzbek ones in graduonymic levels. With the help of various examples, the advantages and various methods of using phrases are explained.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Abdugafur M.. Doctor of philology, English language and literature department Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute
2 Mirzaakbarov S.B. Master Degree student, English language and literature department Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute
Name of reference
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