Formation of a healthy lifestyle is one of the main directions of reforming the health care system of Uzbekistan. The study of the problem of a healthy lifestyle of students in a sociological aspect is due to the specifics of this socio-demographic group, the peculiarities of its formation and its role in the educational process. The more valeology enters the educational and living space of higher educational institutions, the more effectively the science and education of the largest social mission will be realized: the preservation of the Uzbek ethnic group, its health, its labor, reproductive, valeological sufficiency. 

  • Read count 310
  • Date of publication 01-01-2019
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages733

Sog'lom turmush tarzini shakllantirish - O'zbekiston Respublikasi sog'liqni saqlash tizimini isloh qilishning asosiy yo'nalishlaridan biri. O'quvchilarning sog'lom turmush tarzi masalasini ijtimoiy jihatdan o'rganish ushbu ijtimoiy-demografik guruhning o'ziga xos xususiyatlari va o'quv jarayonidagi o'rni bilan bog'liq. Oliy ta'lim muassasalarining ta'lim jarayoniga valeologiya fani qancha ko'p kirib borar ekan, shunchalik ijtimoiy missiyaning ilm-fan va ta'limini samarali amalga oshirilishi kuzatiladi: o'zbek etnik guruhini saqlab qolish, uning sog'lig'ini, mehnatini, reproduktiv va valeologik yetarliliklarini yanada samarali amalga oshiriladi.


Формирование здорового образа жизни является одним из главных направлений реформирования системы здравоохранения Узбекистана. Изучение проблемы здорового образа жизни студенческой молодежи в социологическом аспекте обусловлено спецификой данной социально-демографической группы, особенностями ее формирования и роли в образовательном процессе. Чем полнее войдет валеология в образовательное и жизненное пространство высших учебных заведениях, тем эффективней будет реализован предъявленный науке и просвещению крупнейшей социальной миссии: сохранение узбекского этноса, его здоровья, его трудовой, репродуктивной, валеологической достаточности.


Formation of a healthy lifestyle is one of the main directions of reforming the health care system of Uzbekistan. The study of the problem of a healthy lifestyle of students in a sociological aspect is due to the specifics of this socio-demographic group, the peculiarities of its formation and its role in the educational process. The more valeology enters the educational and living space of higher educational institutions, the more effectively the science and education of the largest social mission will be realized: the preservation of the Uzbek ethnic group, its health, its labor, reproductive, valeological sufficiency. 

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Ramanova . . Assistant of School of Public Health Tashkent Medical Academy
2 Urazaliyeva I. . Senior Lecturer at the School of Public Health Tashkent Medical Academy
3 Ermatova .K. Master degree 2nd year of Tashkentmedical academy Tashkentmedical academy
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