This article deals with organizational and economic mechanisms for the development of tourist services in Uzbekistan and the ongoing reforms in this area.At the same time, the article outlines the role of tourism in the national economy, the development of regions and the creation of new jobs.

  • Read count 234
  • Date of publication 01-01-2019
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages169

This article deals with organizational and economic mechanisms for the development of tourist services in Uzbekistan and the ongoing reforms in this area.At the same time, the article outlines the role of tourism in the national economy, the development of regions and the creation of new jobs.


a.Mazkur maqolada O`zbekistonda turistik xizmatlarni rivojlantirishning tashkiliy-iqtisodiy mexanizmlari va ushbu sohada amalga oshirilayotgan islohotlar haqida so`z boradi.Shu bilan birga maqolada turizmning milliy iqtisodiyotda, hududlarni rivojlantirishda va yangi ish o'rinlari yaratishdagi roli ochib berilgan.


В данной статье рассматриваются организационные и экономические механизмы развития туристических услуг в Узбекистане и проводимые реформы в этой области. В то же время в статье освещается роль туризма в народном хозяйстве, развитии регионов и создании новых рабочих мест.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Jumaniyazova .R. The faculty of Tourism and economics UrDU
Name of reference
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4 M.R.Boltaboev, I.Tukhliyev, B.Sh.Safarov and S.A.Abduhamidov "Tourism: Theory and Practice‖, Textbook, Tashkent 2018
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7 Sustainable Tourism Development in UNESCO Designated Sites in SouthEastern Europe - Published with the support of UNEP-GEF, UNESCOBRESCE and MAB
8 Rochelle Turner, Travel & Tourism, Economic Impact 2017 Uzbekistan, World Travel & Tourism Council
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