It must be noted that education, including media education of teacher in the modern world ceases to be the stage at the beginning of independent life, and becomes a continuous process accompanying the person throughout life. This means that the formation of media competence teachers you need to consider like the current task of continuing education. Specific condition for the formation of media competence of the teacher is the dynamic information and educational environment,the constant occurrence of certain changes that requires the teacher to address new types of problems and therefore, inclusion in media competence new knowledge and skills.
It must be noted that education, including media education of teacher in the modern world ceases to be the stage at the beginning of independent life, and becomes a continuous process accompanying the person throughout life. This means that the formation of media competence teachers you need to consider like the current task of continuing education. Specific condition for the formation of media competence of the teacher is the dynamic information and educational environment,the constant occurrence of certain changes that requires the teacher to address new types of problems and therefore, inclusion in media competence new knowledge and skills.
Следует отметить, что образование, в том числе медиаобразование учителя в современном мире, перестает быть этапом в начале самостоятельной жизни и становится непрерывным процессом, сопровождающим человека на протяжении всей жизни. Это означает, что формирование медиа-компетенции учителей нужно рассматривать как актуальную задачу непрерывного образования. Специфическим условием формирования медиакомпетентности учителя является динамическая информационно-образовательная среда, постоянное возникновение определенных изменений, требующих от учителя решения новых видов проблем и, следовательно, включения в медиакомпетентность новых знаний и навыков
Zamonaviy dunyoda o'qituvchi media-o'qitishni o'z ichiga olgan ta'lim, mustaqil hayotning boshlanishida bir bosqich bo'lishni to'xtatib, inson hayotida davom etadigan uzluksiz jarayonga aylanadi. Bu shuni anglatadiki, o'qituvchilarning media malakasini shakllantirish ta'limni davom ettirishning dolzarb vazifasidir. O'qituvchining media malakasini shakllantirishning o'ziga xos sharti dinamik axborot-ta'lim muhiti, o'qituvchilardan yangi muammolarni hal qilishni talab qiladigan muayyan o'zgarishlarning paydo bo'lishi va shuning uchun ommaviy axborot vositalarida yangi bilim va malakalarni o'z ichiga oladi.
№ | Author name | position | Name of organisation |
1 | Khujaniyazova G.Y. | Urgench branch of Tashkent university of information technologies named after Muhammad Al -Khwarizmi senior lecturer of ―Social studies‖ department | Urgench branch of Tashkent university |
2 | Sultonova U.. | ―Foreign languages inter faculties‖ department lecturer Urgench State University | Urgench State University |
3 | Bozorova O.X. | ―Philology and teaching languages (English)‖faculty, Student, Uzbekistan state World Languages University | Uzbekistan State World Languages University |
№ | Name of reference |
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3 | Development of student‘s media culture. Ph.D. Dis. Vologda. Legotina, N.A. (2004) |
4 | Pedagogical conditions of students‘ preparation for realization of media education in schools. Ph.D . Dis. Kurgan. Matushak, A.F. (2006). |
5 | Pedagogical prognosis in the system of pedagogical education. Ph.D. Dis. Chelyabinsk. Pyatakov, E.O., Raiko, A.N. (2016). v |