Active RAN sharing is a promising way to reduce both Capital Expenditure (CAPEX) and Operational Expenditure (OPEX) for mobile (virtual) network operators. Partial resource reservation is a flexible active RAN sharing technique that allows each operator to be guaranteed a minimum share of resources whilst also having access to shared common resources on a first-come-first-served basis.
faol RAN almashuvi mobil tarmoq operatorlari uchun sarfxarajatlarni va operatsion xarajatlarni kamaytirishning umid beruvchi usuli hisoblanadi. Qisman resurslarni zaxiraga olish - har bir operatorga resurslarning minimal ulushini kafolatlash imkonini beradi. Ushbu maqolada, uzoq muddatli LTE tarmoqlari uchun qisman resursni bron qilish sxemasini taklif qiladi.
Активное совместное использование RAN является перспективным способом сокращения как капитальных расходов (CAPEX), так и операционных расходов (OPEX) для операторов мобильных (виртуальных) сетей. Частичное резервирование ресурсов — это гибкая технология активного совместного использования RAN, которая позволяет каждому оператору гарантироваться минимальная доля ресурсов при одновременном доступе к общим ресурсам в порядке очереди.
Active RAN sharing is a promising way to reduce both Capital Expenditure (CAPEX) and Operational Expenditure (OPEX) for mobile (virtual) network operators. Partial resource reservation is a flexible active RAN sharing technique that allows each operator to be guaranteed a minimum share of resources whilst also having access to shared common resources on a first-come-first-served basis.
№ | Author name | position | Name of organisation |
1 | Matyokubov U.K. | senior lecturer Urgench branch of Tashkent university of information technologies named after Muhammad Al-khwarizmi. | TATU |
2 | Bekimetov A.F. | Assistant, Urgench branch of Tashkent university of information technologies named after Muhammad al-khwarizmi | TATU |
№ | Name of reference |
1 | MacKenzie, A. B. and Wicker, S. B. (2001) Selfish users in aloha: a game theoretic approach, inProceedings of IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, 2001, 3, pp. 1354–1357. |
2 | MacKenzie, A. B. and Wicker, S. B. (2003) Stability of multipacket slotted aloha with selfishusers and perfect information. Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and CommunicationsSocieties, 2003, 3, pp. 1583–1590. |
3 | Kushner, H. J. and Yin, G. (1997) Stochastic Approximation Algorithms and Applications.Springer-Verlag, New York. |
4 | MacKenzie, A. B. and Wicker, S. B. (2001) Game theory and the design of selfconfiguring,adaptive wireless networks. IEEE Communications Magazine, 39(11), 126–131. |