• Read count422
  • Date of publication29-01-2021
  • Main LanguageRus
  • Pages46-50

Meningoencephalitis is an inflammation of the membranes and substances in the brain. Neurological complications occur in 30-40% of children, especially in young children. The study examined children from the period of discharge from the rehabilitation department (acute period) and the period of rehabilitation. The children were assessed for their somatic status, clinical and neurological symptoms, and a connection was made between neuroimaging and the study of cerebrospinal fluid. The main and first symptoms of complications in meningoencephalitis, such as hydrocephalus, subdural hematota, have been studied.         


Meningoensefalit - bu miya pardalari va moddasining yallig'lanishi. Nevrologik asoratlar bolalarning 30-40 foizida, ayniqsa yosh bolalarda uchraydi. Tadqiqotda bolalarni reabilitatsiya bo'limidan javob berish davri (o'tkir davr) va reabilitatsiya davrida tekshirildi. Bolalarning somatik holati, klinik va nevrologik belgilari baholandi va neyrovizualizasiya, hamda orqa miya suyuqligini o'rganish o'rtasida bog'liqlik o'rganildi. Meningoensefalitda asoratlarning asosiy va birinchi alomatlari, masalan, gidroksefaliya, subdural gematota.          

Name of reference
1 1. Лобзин Ю.В., Скрипченко Е.Ю., Пальчик А.Б., Иванова М.В., Иванова Г.П., Мурина ЕА., Алексеева ЛА. Патент № 481786 от 0.05. 013 г. «Способ прогнозирования риска неврологических осложнений при ветряной оспе у детей ».
2 2. Пыков М.И., Ватолин К.В., Быкова Ю.К., Милованова О.А. Детская ультразвуковая диагностика. Неврология. Сосуды головы и шеи. Учебник. Том 3. ВИДА; 015.
3 3. Нейроинфекции у детей. Под ред. проф. Н.В. Скрипченко. СПб.: Тактик-Студио 2015; 856. (Neuroinfections in children. Editor N.V. Skripchenko St.Petersburg: Taktik- Studio, 2015; 856.)