Abstract. In this paper, it is shown that the solutions of the Toda-type chain with self-consistent source can be found by the inverse scattering method for the discrete Sturm-Liuville operator

  • Read count 317
  • Date of publication 01-07-2018
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages5

Abstract. In this paper, it is shown that the solutions of the Toda-type chain with self-consistent source can be found by the inverse scattering method for the discrete Sturm-Liuville operator


Annotatsiya. Mazkur ishda sochilish nazariyasining teskari masalasi usuli moslangan manbali Toda zanjiri turidagi tenglamani integrallashga tadbiq etilgan.


Аннотация. В этой работе метод обратной задачи теории рассеяния применяется к интегрированию уравнения типа цепочки Тоды с самосогласованным источником.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Babajanov B.A. UrDU
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