The article provides  information on the history of the Karakalpak people in the period of the emergence of the Saka -Massaget and 
Turkic peoples, and for the first time the historical poems recorded among the Taulibay Karakalpaks were submitted for scientific discussion. There are also spoken about the genre, content, historical value and character of the historical songs of the Karakalpak people fro m 
the XIII century to the 20s of the XX century. The article briefly discusses the classification of historical songs and comme nts on the role 
of tropes in increasing the effectiveness of historical songs.

  • Read count 860
  • Date of publication 10-12-2020
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages84-86

The article provides  information on the history of the Karakalpak people in the period of the emergence of the Saka -Massaget and 
Turkic peoples, and for the first time the historical poems recorded among the Taulibay Karakalpaks were submitted for scientific discussion. There are also spoken about the genre, content, historical value and character of the historical songs of the Karakalpak people fro m 
the XIII century to the 20s of the XX century. The article briefly discusses the classification of historical songs and comme nts on the role 
of tropes in increasing the effectiveness of historical songs.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Allambergenov K.. Doctor of philology, professor Nukus State Pedagogical Institute
2 Kanaatov E.. a doctoral student Nukus State Pedagogical Institute
Name of reference
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