Since the independence, Uzbekistan's international relations with the countries of the world community have moved to a qualitatively new level. In the period of globalization of the economy, integration of political and cultural life, contributing to the activation and strengthening of international relations in various fields, foreign languages, in particular, English and Russian as the language of international communication plays a vital role in socio-political sphere of the country. There are various studies devoted to the role of foreign languages in the modern globalized world. This paper examines the impact of Russian and English as international languages in the Republic of Uzbekistan and its policy. The analysis showed that currently Russian and Uzbek coexist within the post-Soviet space. However there is some evidence that English and Russian are in a race to become the dominant foreign language among the employers of the country in the future.

  • Read count 698
  • Date of publication 27-12-2019
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages11

Since the independence, Uzbekistan's international relations with the countries of the world community have moved to a qualitatively new level. In the period of globalization of the economy, integration of political and cultural life, contributing to the activation and strengthening of international relations in various fields, foreign languages, in particular, English and Russian as the language of international communication plays a vital role in socio-political sphere of the country. There are various studies devoted to the role of foreign languages in the modern globalized world. This paper examines the impact of Russian and English as international languages in the Republic of Uzbekistan and its policy. The analysis showed that currently Russian and Uzbek coexist within the post-Soviet space. However there is some evidence that English and Russian are in a race to become the dominant foreign language among the employers of the country in the future.


Ўзбекистон мустақилликка эришгандан сўнг жаҳон ҳамжамияти мамлакатлари билан халқаро муносабатлар янги босқичга кўтарилди. Иқтисодиётнинг глобаллашуви, турли соҳаларда халқаро алоқаларни фаоллаштириш ва мустаҳкамлашга хизмат қиладиган сиёсий ва маданий ҳаётнинг интеграцияси даврида хорижий тиллар, жумладан, инглиз ва рус тиллари халқаро мулоқот тиллари сифатида давлатимизнинг ижтимоий-сиёсий жабҳасида муҳим аҳамият касб этади.

Замонавий глобаллашув даврида хорижий тилларнинг роли ва аҳамияти ўрганилган тад қиқотларталайгина. Мазкур мақолада эса рус ва инглиз тилларининг чет тиллари сифатида ўзбек тилига таъсири ва Ўзбекистон Республикаси сиёсатидаги роли ҳақида фикр юритилади. Илмий таҳлил натижалари Россия ва Ўзбекистоннинг собиқ шўролар тузуми давридан бир-бирига таъсир этиб келаётганлигини кўрсатди. Бироқ инглиз ва рус тиллари мамлакатимизда муайян мавқени эгаллаши мумкин бўлган чет тили маъносида бир-бирига рақиб тиллар саналади.


С момента обретения независимости международные отношения Узбекистана со странами мирового сообщества перешли на качественно новый уровень. В период глобализации экономики, интеграции политической и культурной жизни, способствующей активизации и укреплению международных связей в различных сферах, иностранные языки, в частности, английский и русский как языкимеждународного общения играют жизненно важную роль в социально-политической сфере страны.Существуют различные исследования, посвященные ролииностранных языков в современном глобализированном мире. В данной статье рассматривается влияние русского и английского языков как международных языков в Республике Узбекистан. Анализ показал, что английский и русский языки являются соперниками в некотором смысле, чтобы стать доминирующим иностранным языком среди работодателей страны в будущем.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Amonova G.T. PhD-student
Name of reference
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5 State program on education of Youth in foreign countries in 2007-2015 statistics, available at: http://xorijdatahsil.edu.gov.uz/uploads/Statistika.pdf.
6 Official visit of the President of Rusian Federation Putin V. to Samarkand on September, 6, 2017, available at: http://www.putin-today.ru/archives/32614
7 https://pravdoryb.info/karimov-v- tsentre-moskvy-i-rossiya-v- uzbekistane.html
8 Census of Ireland, available at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Census_of_Ireland_2011http://www.edu.uz
9 The State Statistical Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Population by ethnic groups, available at: https://stat.uz/uz/432-analiticheskie-materialy-uz/2033-o- zbekiston-respublikasining-demografik-holati