This paper reviews energy parameters of rock fractures made using a wedge-shaped tool. The paper provides diagrams of distribution of forces and stresses under the impact of a wedge-shaped tool and stress components from two sources in the form of a wedge, localized in one row. There is a theory of energy intensity of rock fracture and energy of a single blow with a wedge-shaped tool which explains the energy parameters of rock fracture with a wedge-shaped tool. The new machine is based on static-dynamic methods of applying stresses to rock masses, which justifies the development of machines and mechanisms whose operating principle is based on static-dynamic methods of applying loads to rock masses.
Maqolada qoziqsimon instrument yordamida tog‘ jinsini buzishda energetik o‘lchamlar tadqiq qilingan. Qoziqsimon instrumentning tog‘ jinsiga ta’siri natijasida kuchlanish hamda kuchlanganlik va bir qatorda joylashgan qoziq ko‘rinishidagi ikkita manbaning kuchlanish komponentlari sxemalari keltirilgan. Qoziqsimon instrumentning tog‘ jinsini buzishdagi energetik o‘lchamlarini asoslash uchun qoziqsimon instrumentning bir martalik zarb energiyasi va tog‘ jinsini buzish energiya hajmiyligi nazariyasi o‘rganilgan. Ushbu ish tog‘ jinsini statik va dinamik usullar bilan yuklama berish orqali buzuvchi mashina va mexanizmlarni yaratish uchun asos bo‘ladi.
В данной работе произведено теоретическое и практическое исследование энергетических параметров разрушения горных пород клиновидным инструментом. Приведены схемы распределения усилий и напряжений под воздействием клиновидного инструмента и компонентов напряжений от двух источников, находящихся в одном ряду в виде клина. Для обоснования энергетических параметров разрушения горных пород клиновидным инструментом приведена теория энергоемкости разрушения горных пород и энергии единичного удара ударным клиновидным инструментом, что также демонстрирует направление создания машин и механизмов, принцип действия которых основывается на статико-динамических методах приложения нагрузок на массивы горных пород.
This paper reviews energy parameters of rock fractures made using a wedge-shaped tool. The paper provides diagrams of distribution of forces and stresses under the impact of a wedge-shaped tool and stress components from two sources in the form of a wedge, localized in one row. There is a theory of energy intensity of rock fracture and energy of a single blow with a wedge-shaped tool which explains the energy parameters of rock fracture with a wedge-shaped tool. The new machine is based on static-dynamic methods of applying stresses to rock masses, which justifies the development of machines and mechanisms whose operating principle is based on static-dynamic methods of applying loads to rock masses.
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