A systematic and integrative reviews as the types of analytical information products are studied. The presented data on the publications dynamics of systematic and integrative reviews showed their high relevance as analytical information products, especially in the field of medicine, biochemistry, social sciences.

The essential comparative analysis of the concepts «systematic review», «integrative review» has shown that these types of reviews have both common features (generalization, synthesis, combining data from primary sources on the review topic, scientific methods of data evaluation and methods of information analysis, scientifically based conclusions) and distinctive features (data source selection strategy, methods to assess data, nature of conclusions and others). Their knowledge can increase the involvement of library staff in preparing these types of reviews.

It is shown how research libraries could participate in these processes in the framework of their scientific and information activities. Thus, libraries can expand their list of analytical information products and services that they provide to scientists and specialists.

  • Read count 181
  • Date of publication 26-06-2023
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages6-15

 A systematic and integrative reviews as the types of analytical information products are studied. The presented data on the publications dynamics of systematic and integrative reviews showed their high relevance as analytical information products, especially in the field of medicine, biochemistry, social sciences.

The essential comparative analysis of the concepts «systematic review», «integrative review» has shown that these types of reviews have both common features (generalization, synthesis, combining data from primary sources on the review topic, scientific methods of data evaluation and methods of information analysis, scientifically based conclusions) and distinctive features (data source selection strategy, methods to assess data, nature of conclusions and others). Their knowledge can increase the involvement of library staff in preparing these types of reviews.

It is shown how research libraries could participate in these processes in the framework of their scientific and information activities. Thus, libraries can expand their list of analytical information products and services that they provide to scientists and specialists.


Изучаются систематический и интегративный обзоры как виды обзорно-
аналитических продуктов. На основе анализа публикаций показано, что особое внимание при создании этих видов обзоров уделяется методике их подготовки. Проводится анализ динамики документопотока по систематическим и интегративным обзорам, который позволил показать распределение обзоров по отраслям знания, организациям, принимающим участие в написании систематических и интегративных обзоров, и выявить определенные тенденции в развитии данного вопроса. Дается сущностный анализ понятий «систематический обзор», «интегративный обзор». Проведенный сравнительный анализ систематического, интегративного и аналитического обзоров показал, что эти виды обзоров имеют как общие черты (обобщение, синтез, объединение данных из первоисточников по теме обзора, научность методов оценки данных и способов информационного анализа, научно обоснованные выводы), так и отличительные особенности (стратегия отбора источников данных, методы оценки данных, характер выводов и др.). Показано, как научные библиотеки могли бы участвовать в подготовке систематических и интегративных обзоров в рамках своей научно-информационной деятельности.

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