This article provides a comprehensive analysis of the regulatory landscape surrounding cryptocurrencies and investments, focusing on key considerations and emerging trends in legislation. It explores the rise of cryptocurrencies and their investment potential, discussing the challenges and opportunities they present to regulators.
This article provides a comprehensive analysis of the regulatory landscape surrounding cryptocurrencies and investments, focusing on key considerations and emerging trends in legislation. It explores the rise of cryptocurrencies and their investment potential, discussing the challenges and opportunities they present to regulators.
Ushbu maqola kriptovalyutalar va investitsiyalar atrofidagi tartibga soluvchi normativ-huquqiy bazalarni har tomonlama tahlil qiladi, asosiy fikrlarga va qonunchilikdagi paydo boʻladigan tendentsiyalarga e’tibor beradi. Kriptovalyutalarning oʻsishini va ularning investitsiya salohiyatini oʻrganadi, ular regulyatorlarga taqdim etayotgan muammolar va imkoniyatlarni muhokama qiladi.
В этой статье представлен всесторонний анализ нормативноправовой базы, связанной с криптовалютами и инвестициями, с акцентом на ключевые соображения и новые тенденции в законодательстве. В нем исследуется рост криптовалют и их инвестиционный потенциал, обсуждаются проблемы и возможности, которые они представляют для регулирующих органов.
№ | Author name | position | Name of organisation |
1 | Rahmonov J.. | O'qituvchi | Toshkent davlat yuridik universiteti |
№ | Name of reference |
1 | “The Legal Status of Cryptocurrencies under the European Union Law” by Vilius Dranseika and Ignas Vėgėlė (2021) |
2 | “Cryptocurrency Regulation: An Overview of Regulatory Frameworks in Selected Jurisdictions” by Gustavo Torrens (2020) |
3 | “Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Regulation: A Comparative Analysis” by Michail Savvakis (2021) |
4 | “Cryptocurrencies and Initial Coin Offerings: Regulatory Overview” by Ross P. Buckley and Douglas W. Arner (2021) |
5 | “Regulating Cryptocurrencies: A Supervisory Perspective” by Dirk Bullmann, Jonas Gross, and Carlo Wix (2020) |
6 | “Regulating Cryptocurrency: A Comparative Analysis” by Andrew Dickinson (2020) |
7 | “Cryptocurrency Regulation in the European Union: Current Developments and Future Prospects” by Gian Marco Verugio (2021) |
8 | “Decentralized Finance: A Regulatory Framework for Innovation” by Primavera De Filippi (2021) |
9 | “Cryptocurrency Regulation: What You Need to Know” by Lee Schneider and James M. Turner (2021) |
10 | “Regulating Cryptocurrencies: Challenges and Opportunities for Financial Authorities” by Rafael Domenech and Davide Ferrari (2020) |
11 | “Regulating Cryptocurrency: The Role of Securities Laws” by Jonathan Rohr and Aaron Wright (2020) |
12 | “Cryptocurrency and Investor Protection: An Analysis of Regulatory Approaches” by Dirk Zorn, Jörn Heckmann, and Thomas Weber (2021) |
13 | “Cryptocurrencies and Anti-Money Laundering Regulations: A Comparative Analysis” by Atanas Katrandjiev (2020) |
14 | “Regulating Cryptocurrency Exchanges: An Assessment of Regulatory Frameworks” by Mulya Amri and Vikki Rogers (2021) |
15 | “Cryptocurrency Regulation and the Role of Central Banks” by Eswar S. Prasad and Mona Ali (2020) |