These tributaries have different depths when the river passes through lightly leached soils, and its hydraulic elements and channel morphometry can change at different rates. As a result of such changes, changes in hydraulic resistance can affect the water permeability of tributaries. It should be noted that, depending on the shape of the morphometry, the undulations of the riverbed and the coast can be different at the same constant depth. This can include the Karshi Magistral and Amu Bukhara Machine canals, which receive the most water from the Amudarya without dams to the irrigation areas of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Rapid washing of river beds in these catchment areas, uneven distribution of flow rate, constant distance of the tributary passing through the area of the damless water intake facility from the main water intake facility complicate the operating conditions and reduce the amount of water entering the canal during the growing season.

  • Read count 171
  • Date of publication 24-01-2024
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages27-35

These tributaries have different depths when the river passes through lightly leached soils, and its hydraulic elements and channel morphometry can change at different rates. As a result of such changes, changes in hydraulic resistance can affect the water permeability of tributaries. It should be noted that, depending on the shape of the morphometry, the undulations of the riverbed and the coast can be different at the same constant depth. This can include the Karshi Magistral and Amu Bukhara Machine canals, which receive the most water from the Amudarya without dams to the irrigation areas of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Rapid washing of river beds in these catchment areas, uneven distribution of flow rate, constant distance of the tributary passing through the area of the damless water intake facility from the main water intake facility complicate the operating conditions and reduce the amount of water entering the canal during the growing season.

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