In recent years, environmentalists have been increasingly focused on issues related to the impact  of bottom sediments formed during long-term discharge of industrial wastewater on water quality in water bodies. Bottom sediments can accumulate significant amounts of trace elements of natural and anthropogenic origin,  actively shaping the water quality of water bodies. The tendency of accumulation of copper, iron, zinc, cadmium, cobalt, mercury and other trace elements in the bottom sediments of rivers in the area of emissions from copper-nickel and copper smelters has been  is established.

  • Read count 182
  • Date of publication 26-03-2024
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages13-17

In recent years, environmentalists have been increasingly focused on issues related to the impact  of bottom sediments formed during long-term discharge of industrial wastewater on water quality in water bodies. Bottom sediments can accumulate significant amounts of trace elements of natural and anthropogenic origin,  actively shaping the water quality of water bodies. The tendency of accumulation of copper, iron, zinc, cadmium, cobalt, mercury and other trace elements in the bottom sediments of rivers in the area of emissions from copper-nickel and copper smelters has been  is established.

Name of reference
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