Recently, the problem of environmental protection and public health in most countries, including Uzbekistan,has become particularly significant  due to the rapid development of industry and agriculture, population growth, and the increased impact of adverse natural and anthropological factors.One of the consequences of these negative factors is pollution of the environment,especially the soil,   by harmful chemicals and microorganisms, which have a detrimental impact on the  population’s health.Therefore , when conducting scientific research of an ecological and sanitary-hygienic nature and organizing soil protection, it is necessary to use common approaches and methodological techniques developed by science and approved by state sanitary supervision bodies.

  • Read count 86
  • Date of publication 26-03-2024
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages18-21

Recently, the problem of environmental protection and public health in most countries, including Uzbekistan,has become particularly significant  due to the rapid development of industry and agriculture, population growth, and the increased impact of adverse natural and anthropological factors.One of the consequences of these negative factors is pollution of the environment,especially the soil,   by harmful chemicals and microorganisms, which have a detrimental impact on the  population’s health.Therefore , when conducting scientific research of an ecological and sanitary-hygienic nature and organizing soil protection, it is necessary to use common approaches and methodological techniques developed by science and approved by state sanitary supervision bodies.

Name of reference
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