In fact, viral hepatitis is one of the serious health problems of people. Because 500 million people in the world are infected with hepatovirus, and 80% of them do not have the opportunity to be examined and treated. Viral hepatitis A takes an important place among them. The fact that this disease is widespread among children, who are our future heirs, shows that it is necessary to deeply study not only the methods of treatment of this disease, but also the causes of its origin. Viral hepatitis A disease is becoming an important socio-economic problem today. A lot of research is being conducted all over the world, including in Uzbekistan, to study viral hepatitis A. However, despite research, spreading rate of disease among children is increasing significantly. Hepatitis A is an acute disorder that spread by fecal-oral agents and is often followed by a relapse for a few weeks. It is the causative agent of infectious hepatitis. Although children are more likely to contract hepatitis A than adults, the symptoms are usually much milder than those of adults. 90% of the childhood infections are asymptomic.

  • Read count 28
  • Date of publication 26-03-2024
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages118-121

In fact, viral hepatitis is one of the serious health problems of people. Because 500 million people in the world are infected with hepatovirus, and 80% of them do not have the opportunity to be examined and treated. Viral hepatitis A takes an important place among them. The fact that this disease is widespread among children, who are our future heirs, shows that it is necessary to deeply study not only the methods of treatment of this disease, but also the causes of its origin. Viral hepatitis A disease is becoming an important socio-economic problem today. A lot of research is being conducted all over the world, including in Uzbekistan, to study viral hepatitis A. However, despite research, spreading rate of disease among children is increasing significantly. Hepatitis A is an acute disorder that spread by fecal-oral agents and is often followed by a relapse for a few weeks. It is the causative agent of infectious hepatitis. Although children are more likely to contract hepatitis A than adults, the symptoms are usually much milder than those of adults. 90% of the childhood infections are asymptomic.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Mamatkhanova G.M. teacher of the department Of Public Health Fergana Medical Institute of Public Health
2 Sohibova M.I. student of master degree, faculty of Public Health Fergana Medical Institute of Public Health
3 Xaydarov S.X. director of the collage Rishtan Medical Collage of Public Health
Name of reference
1 Infectious diseases (A. Zakirhodjayev) - t., 2011. Zakirkhodzhayev A. National encyclopedia of Uzbekistan (2000-2005)/Vorobyev A.A Medisinskaya microbiology, virology and immunology. M. 2008. 30-50 pages Infectious disease. a nurse work (Akhmedova M.D.) - 2008 Akhmedova M.D. Infectious diseases of children (Rakhmatov o.b.) - vol., 2008. Rakhmatov O.B. Immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases in the Republic of Uzbekistan Immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases in the Republic of Uzbekistan Sanqvam 0239-07/3 General Directorate of State Sanitary and Epidemiological Control of the Republic of Uzbekistan, No. 0239-07/3 dated 25.07.2017 Causes and initial symptoms of viral hepatitis, prevention and diagnosis of viral hepatitis, early detection and treatment of viral hepatitis. https://nvs-railway.uz/oz/post/virusli-gepatit-va-uning-aldini-olish “Decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan” On improving measures to combat the spread of certain viral infections" https://lex.uz/uz/docs/-6017442 Information about HAV of District Sanitary and Epidemiological Peace Center.