The article deals with the major role of developing of semantic correlations in discursive dynamics of translation in English. The author concludes that the process of comparative linguistic researches and translation studies are considered an integral part of learning languages, as the language is the means of communication.

  • Read count 60
  • Date of publication 01-01-2024
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages65-68

The article deals with the major role of developing of semantic correlations in discursive dynamics of translation in English. The author concludes that the process of comparative linguistic researches and translation studies are considered an integral part of learning languages, as the language is the means of communication.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Rasulova D.A. English teacher Tashkent Textile and Light Industry Institute,
Name of reference
1 Aznaurova E.S. Interpetation of literary text. Tashkent. O’qituvchi 1990 Innovative Academy Research Support CenterUIF =8.2| SJIF =6.051www.in-academy.uzVolume 4,Issue 1, January 2024ISSN 2181-2888Page 68EURASIAN JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES, PHILOSOPHY AND CULTURE2.Brown G., Yuli G. Discourse Analysis. Cambridge University Press. 1985.3.Halliday A. K. Language as social semiotic. –London, New York, Melbourne, Auckland, 1994. –240 p.4.Halliday A. K. (1985) An Introduction to Functional Grammar. 4758 p.5.Langacker R.W. Concept, image, and symbol: The cognitive basis of grammar. –B.; N.Y.: Mouton de Gruyter, 1990. –395 p.6.Michael Mccarthy. Discourse analysis for language Teachers.-Cambridge University Press 1991.