In this article, the use of folklore is explored as a means to enhance the spiritual development of schoolchildren, promoting their emotional, intellectual, and moral growth. Engaging with folklore exposes children to different cultural perspectives and helps them develop a sense of identity and belonging. Moreover, folklore encourages imagination, creativity, critical thinking, and empathy. It serves as a mirror through which children can explore their cultural heritage, values, and beliefs.

  • Read count 87
  • Date of publication 01-01-2024
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages85-89

In this article, the use of folklore is explored as a means to enhance the spiritual development of schoolchildren, promoting their emotional, intellectual, and moral growth. Engaging with folklore exposes children to different cultural perspectives and helps them develop a sense of identity and belonging. Moreover, folklore encourages imagination, creativity, critical thinking, and empathy. It serves as a mirror through which children can explore their cultural heritage, values, and beliefs.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Khujaeva S.S. English teacher Urgench State Pedagogical Institute
2 Allaberganova U.M. student Urgench State Pedagogical Institute
Name of reference
1 Jorayeva M. Some comments on the water cult and its role in the genesis of riddles. / / Folklore of Khorezm, volume 8. –Urgench: University, 20062.Mahmudov N. In search of ways of perfect study of the language...// Uzbek language and literature. –Tashkent, 2012. No. 5.3.Rozimboev S. S. Linguistic features of Southern Khorezm epics. –Tashkent: 2000.4.Husainova Z. Uzbek riddles. –Tashkent: Science, 1966.