Overall, the history of metafictional writing spans across centuries, with examples found in some of the oldest works of literature. From the Bible to Shakespeare to Cervantes, the use of metafictional techniques has evolved and grown more complex over time. In the 20th century, metafiction reached its peak of creativity and experimentation, with authors like Nabokov and Barth leading the way in deconstructing and parodying traditional literary forms. Today, metafictional writing continues to be a popular and influential style, with contemporary authors using it to explore themes of identity, authorship, and the nature of storytelling itself.

  • Read count 59
  • Date of publication 01-01-2024
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages93-96

Overall, the history of metafictional writing spans across centuries, with examples found in some of the oldest works of literature. From the Bible to Shakespeare to Cervantes, the use of metafictional techniques has evolved and grown more complex over time. In the 20th century, metafiction reached its peak of creativity and experimentation, with authors like Nabokov and Barth leading the way in deconstructing and parodying traditional literary forms. Today, metafictional writing continues to be a popular and influential style, with contemporary authors using it to explore themes of identity, authorship, and the nature of storytelling itself.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Xikmatova N.R. Xorijiy tillar fakultetida o’qituvchi BuxDU
Name of reference
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