The Evolution of English Language Teaching (ELT) methodologies has been a dynamic narrative that highlights the continuous changes and transformation of language education. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the historical developments in ELT methodologies, from the traditional approaches to modern pedagogies, and discusses the impact of these changes on language acquisition.

  • Read count 163
  • Date of publication 01-04-2024
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages4

The Evolution of English Language Teaching (ELT) methodologies has been a dynamic narrative that highlights the continuous changes and transformation of language education. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the historical developments in ELT methodologies, from the traditional approaches to modern pedagogies, and discusses the impact of these changes on language acquisition.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Ozodakhon I.E. student Uzbekistan State World Languages University
Name of reference
1 1. Beatty, K. (2010). Teaching and researching computer-assisted language learning. London: Longman.
2 2. Brown, H. D. (2007). Teaching by principles: An interactive approach to language pedagogy. New York: Longman.
3 3. Chapelle, C. A., & Jamieson, J. M. (2008). Tips for teaching with CALL: Practical approaches to computer-assisted language learning. New York: Pearson.
4 4. Ellis, R. (2012). Language teaching research and language pedagogy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
5 5. Graham, C. R., Woodfield, W., & Harrison, J. B. (2013). A framework for institutional adoption and implementation of blended learning in higher education. Internet and Higher Education, 18, 4-14.