This article discusses the symptoms of laryngitis in children, preventive measures and new ways to prevent them. In it, comments were made on the basis of analyzes of the etiological state of the disease, the different aspects of the child's age, the period of the disease, and the symptoms of allergic reactions.
This article discusses the symptoms of laryngitis in children, preventive measures and new ways to prevent them. In it, comments were made on the basis of analyzes of the etiological state of the disease, the different aspects of the child's age, the period of the disease, and the symptoms of allergic reactions.
№ | Author name | position | Name of organisation |
1 | Iskhakova F.S. | Assistant teacher | Department of Otorhinolaryngology №1, Samarkand State Medical University |
2 | Akhmedova K.. | 1st year clinical resident | Department of Otorhinolaryngology №1, Samarkand State Medical University |
3 | Tulayev B.. | 4th year student | Faculty Pediatrics, Samarkand State Medical University |
№ | Name of reference |
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