Writing for newspapers began in England in the seventeenth century. By the end of the sixteenth century, brief news booklets started to appear. Any such newspaper would either focus on a single topic or provide news from a single source. Observe the headings of a few of the first news booklets: "News from Spain and Holland" (1593), "News from Stukely's and Morice's Rebellion, a brief rehearsal" (1579), and "Wonderful and strange news out of Suffolke and Essex, where it rained wheat the space of six or seven miles."(1583). Although news pamphlets were clearly the direct ancestors of the British press, they only sometimes appeared and cannot be classified as newspapers.

  • Read count 62
  • Date of publication 15-03-2024
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages97-99

Writing for newspapers began in England in the seventeenth century. By the end of the sixteenth century, brief news booklets started to appear. Any such newspaper would either focus on a single topic or provide news from a single source. Observe the headings of a few of the first news booklets: "News from Spain and Holland" (1593), "News from Stukely's and Morice's Rebellion, a brief rehearsal" (1579), and "Wonderful and strange news out of Suffolke and Essex, where it rained wheat the space of six or seven miles."(1583). Although news pamphlets were clearly the direct ancestors of the British press, they only sometimes appeared and cannot be classified as newspapers.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Rakhimova Z.. !! Asia International University
Name of reference
1 International Congress of Linguistics, The Hague, 1964. Kukharenko V.A. Seminars in Style. Moscow 1971. Leech G.N. English in Advertising. London. Longmans, 1966 Арнольд И.В. Стилистика Современного английского языка. Л., 1973. Гальперин И.Р. Очерки по стилистике английского языка. Москва 1958. Гвоздев А.И. Очерки по стилистике английского языка. Москва 1952. Кожина М.Н. К основаниям функциональной стилистики. Пермь 1968. Bafoeva, R. (2024). POSTMODERNISM IN LITERATURE. TA'LIM VA RIVOJLANISH TAHLILI ONLAYN ILMIY JURNALI, 4(3), 86-90. Bafoeva, R. (2023). INGLIZ VA O'ZBEK MAQOLLARIDA TA'LIM TUSHUNCHASI. Bafoeva, R. (2023). XORIJIY TILLARNI O'QITISHNING YANGICHA USULLARI