Solving the issue of using art as an effective way of self-exploration and creative self-development is one of the important tasks of modern pedagogy. The arts occupy a special place among the leading components of educational strategy. In the conditions of secular general education, art is the only area in which the emotional and moral development of a growing person and his familiarization with the highest spiritual values of his people and humanity can naturally take place. The purpose of this article is to show the need to create an art-pedagogical space as an innovative environment for the creative development and professional training of students of pedagogical universities.

  • Read count 62
  • Date of publication 15-03-2024
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages146-149

Solving the issue of using art as an effective way of self-exploration and creative self-development is one of the important tasks of modern pedagogy. The arts occupy a special place among the leading components of educational strategy. In the conditions of secular general education, art is the only area in which the emotional and moral development of a growing person and his familiarization with the highest spiritual values of his people and humanity can naturally take place. The purpose of this article is to show the need to create an art-pedagogical space as an innovative environment for the creative development and professional training of students of pedagogical universities.

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