In this article, various forms of soil salinization, the causes of the emergence of saline soils, measures to reduce the salt content of the soil and increase the productivity of saline soils, to reduce the amount of harmful salts to an acceptable level, are studied.

  • Read count 122
  • Date of publication 04-05-2024
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages4

In this article, various forms of soil salinization, the causes of the emergence of saline soils, measures to reduce the salt content of the soil and increase the productivity of saline soils, to reduce the amount of harmful salts to an acceptable level, are studied.


В данной статье рассмотрены различные формы засоления почв, причины возникновения засоленных почв, меры по снижению засоленности почвы и повышению продуктивности засоленных почв, снижению количества вредных солей до допустимого уровня, изучаются.


Ushbu maqolada tuproq sho'rlanishining turli shakllari, sho'rlangan tuproqlarning paydo bo'lish sabablari, tuproq tarkibidagi tuz miqdorini kamaytirish va sho'rlangan tuproqlarning unumdorligini oshirish, zararli tuzlar miqdorini maqbul darajaga tushirish choralari, o‘rganiladi.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Vafoqulova M.A. student JizPI
Name of reference
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