In this article, the territorial characteristics of traditional residential buildings in Uzbekistan are highlighted on the example of traditional settlements of Khorezm and Bukhoro, mainly using natural methods to create a microclimate and develop regional architecture.
In this article, the territorial characteristics of traditional residential buildings in Uzbekistan are highlighted on the example of traditional settlements of Khorezm and Bukhoro, mainly using natural methods to create a microclimate and develop regional architecture.
Ushbu maqolada O‘zbekistondagi an’anaviy turar-joy binolarining hududiy xususiyatlari Xorazm va Buxoroning an’anaviy aholi punktlari misolida, asosan, mikroiqlim yaratish va mintaqaviy me’morchilikni rivojlantirish uchun tabiiy usullardan foydalangan holda yoritilgan.
В данной статье на примере традиционных поселений Хорезма и Бухары освещены территориальные особенности традиционной жилой застройки Узбекистана, преимущественно использующие естественные методы создания микроклимата и развития региональной архитектуры.
№ | Author name | position | Name of organisation |
1 | Nazarova D.. | PhD professor | Tashkent Turin Polytechnic University |
2 | Akhmedova F.M. | student | Tashkent Turin Polytechnic University |
№ | Name of reference |
1 | 1. Journal of Applied Environmental and Biological Sciences | Formal Sustainability in Traditional Architecture of Iran According To Five Principles of Traditional Architecture of Iran | Hadi Shahamat | November 19 2013 |
2 | 2. Akhmedov. M.Q. History of Central Asian architecture | Guide for higher educational institutions | T; Uzbekistan, 1995 | 134 sheet |
3 | 3. Central Asian journal of arts and design | About Khorazm traditional buildings | Yusufov S.A., Raximova L.O. |
4 | 4. Science and Education Scientific Journal | Development history of residential buildings in Khiva | Roza Anvarovna Jumaniyazova | April 2022 |
5 | 5. |