This article discusses the role of psychology in any field, any profession, including in the field of sports, and most importantly, the role of motivation in sportsman's activity.

  • Read count 50
  • Date of publication 04-05-2024
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages4

This article discusses the role of psychology in any field, any profession, including in the field of sports, and most importantly, the role of motivation in sportsman's activity.


В данной статье рассматривается роль психологии в любой сфере, любой профессии, в том числе в сфере спорта, а главное, роль мотивации в деятельности спортсмена.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 BORONOVA H.. Student Termiz State Pedagogical Institute
Name of reference
1 1. Arzikulov Dilshod Nematovich Psychology and sports psychology. Rotten
2 2. Oybek Hayitov Psychology of sports activities. Tashkent 2021
3 3. Y. Mashrapov Sports psychology. Tashkent 2018.
4 4. R. Mahmudov and A. Gulomov recommendation letters from the science of sports psychology. Tashkent 2008.
5 5. Adolescent psychology and its characteristics. DMQ Girl, IGE Girl - 2022