Content is the leading aspect in terms of form and content. The form of formation depends on what is formed. It is not an external force, but content that shapes itself. There is an internal conflict between content and form. The emergence, development and elimination of contradictions between the form and content of things and processes is one of the most important and most general expressions of development through contradictions.
Content is the leading aspect in terms of form and content. The form of formation depends on what is formed. It is not an external force, but content that shapes itself. There is an internal conflict between content and form. The emergence, development and elimination of contradictions between the form and content of things and processes is one of the most important and most general expressions of development through contradictions.
Shаkl vа mаzmun munоsаbаtidа yеtаkchi tоmоn mаzmundir. Tаshkil tоpish shаkli nimаning tаshkil tоpishigа bоg‘liqdir. Hеch qаndаy tаshqi kuch emаs, bаlki mаzmun o‘zini-o‘zi shаkllаntirаdi. Mаzmun bilаn shаkl o‘rtаsidа ichki ziddiyat bоr. Nаrsаlаrning, jаrаyonlаrning shаkli bilаn mаzmuni o‘rtаsidаgi ziddiyatlаrning pаydо bo‘lishi, rivоjlаnishi vа bаrtаrаf qilinishi - tаrаqqiyotning qаrаmа-qаrshiliklаr yo‘li bilаn eng muhim vа eng umumiy ifоdаlаnishlаridаn biridir.
Контент является ведущим аспектом с точки зрения формы и содержания. Форма образования зависит от того, что формируется. Формируется не внешняя сила, а содержание. Существует внутренний конфликт между содержанием и формой. Возникновение, развитие и устранение противоречий между формой и содержанием вещей и процессов - одно из важнейших и наиболее общих проявлений развития через противоречия.
№ | Author name | position | Name of organisation |
1 | Usmonova H.S. | Professor | Namangan davlat universiteti |
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13 | 13. H Usmonova, M Xodjayeva, Lexemas of process expressions and their semantific analyses: Scientific and Technical Journal of Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology 2 (4), 286-290, 2020 |
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