This scientific article investigates the unique characteristics of the new bridal period and its impact on the formation of interpersonal relationships within the family. The transition from courtship to marriage represents a significant phase in the lives of newlyweds, marked by adjustments, adaptations, and the establishment of shared routines and expectations. This article delves into the evolving dynamics of the new bridal period, taking into account societal changes, cultural variations, and individual experiences. By understanding the peculiarities of this period, both researchers and practitioners can provide valuable insights and support to couples navigating the early stages of married life, fostering healthy and fulfilling interpersonal relationships within the family unit.

  • Read count 51
  • Date of publication 01-05-2024
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages191-197

This scientific article investigates the unique characteristics of the new bridal period and its impact on the formation of interpersonal relationships within the family. The transition from courtship to marriage represents a significant phase in the lives of newlyweds, marked by adjustments, adaptations, and the establishment of shared routines and expectations. This article delves into the evolving dynamics of the new bridal period, taking into account societal changes, cultural variations, and individual experiences. By understanding the peculiarities of this period, both researchers and practitioners can provide valuable insights and support to couples navigating the early stages of married life, fostering healthy and fulfilling interpersonal relationships within the family unit.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Saitmurodova M.B. stajor tadqiqotchisi Guliston Davlat Universiteti
Name of reference
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