This article discusses the basic principles and methods of vocal musical pedagogy aimed at developing vocal abilities and musical skills in students. The author analyzes traditional and innovative approaches to teaching vocals and music, identifies the basic principles of effective teaching, and offers practical recommendations for teachers and students of music schools and colleges. The research is a valuable resource for music education professionals and anyone interested in developing vocal and musical abilities.

  • Read count 74
  • Date of publication 15-05-2024
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages7-9

This article discusses the basic principles and methods of vocal musical pedagogy aimed at developing vocal abilities and musical skills in students. The author analyzes traditional and innovative approaches to teaching vocals and music, identifies the basic principles of effective teaching, and offers practical recommendations for teachers and students of music schools and colleges. The research is a valuable resource for music education professionals and anyone interested in developing vocal and musical abilities.

Name of reference
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