The Southern Renaissance stands as a pivotal period in American literature, marked by a surge of creative expression and cultural reevaluation. Within this context, historical novels emerge as a distinct form of literary exploration, blending the essence of the past with the artistic vision of the present. This paper delves into the poetics of historical novels crafted during the Southern Renaissance, probing the intricate interplay between history, fiction, and regional identity. Through a meticulous analysis of select works, this study aims to elucidate how Southern writers navigated the complexities of historical narrative, reimagining pivotal moments and figures through a lens of literary innovation. Furthermore, it examines the thematic preoccupations prevalent in these novels, such as the dynamics of power, racial tensions, and the mythos of the Old South. By delving into the creative processes and narrative techniques employed by authors of the Southern Renaissance, this research illuminates the rich tapestry of storytelling that both reflects and shapes the collective consciousness of the region. Ultimately, this exploration seeks to deepen our understanding of the literary landscape during this transformative period, shedding light on the enduring legacy of historical fiction in the Southern tradition.

  • Read count 51
  • Date of publication 31-05-2024
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages54-58

The Southern Renaissance stands as a pivotal period in American literature, marked by a surge of creative expression and cultural reevaluation. Within this context, historical novels emerge as a distinct form of literary exploration, blending the essence of the past with the artistic vision of the present. This paper delves into the poetics of historical novels crafted during the Southern Renaissance, probing the intricate interplay between history, fiction, and regional identity. Through a meticulous analysis of select works, this study aims to elucidate how Southern writers navigated the complexities of historical narrative, reimagining pivotal moments and figures through a lens of literary innovation. Furthermore, it examines the thematic preoccupations prevalent in these novels, such as the dynamics of power, racial tensions, and the mythos of the Old South. By delving into the creative processes and narrative techniques employed by authors of the Southern Renaissance, this research illuminates the rich tapestry of storytelling that both reflects and shapes the collective consciousness of the region. Ultimately, this exploration seeks to deepen our understanding of the literary landscape during this transformative period, shedding light on the enduring legacy of historical fiction in the Southern tradition.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Razzakov B.A. Teacher of the “Foreign Languages Namangan Engineering -Construction Institute
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